Answer: National park service
Number 1: The Circulatory System is a vast network that contains organs and vessels.
number 2: Arteries have a thick wall which helps a powerful pressure from the heart.
number 3: Without the Circulatory System the body wouldn't be unable to maintain a internal environment.
number 4: The Circulatory and Respiratory system both have gas to help a or animal live in there internal environment.
number 5: Blood vessels brings oxygen to the tissues and absorbs carbon dioxide and other waste products to clear the lungs. And with out oxygen the tissues won't absorb carbon dioxide to clear out the lungs.
number 6: D
The glaciers will accumulate more in amount when the planet cools, and this will result in the slow expansion of glaciers, extending horizontally and downward, due to the pressure exerted by the glaciers. The glaciers will be rapidly accumulated in the glacier head in comparison to the zone of wastage, which covers the region below the snowline. These glaciers moves at a fairly slow rate, under the influence of gravity.
As the planet cools, the terminus of the glaciers (glacier end or toe) will expand and will be distributed more outward and downward, and there will be more quantity of snow in a cool planet.
they can mate with grizzlies
structure of a compound influences its function in many ways like we take example of phospholipid bilayer 1. The fact that the tails are hydrophobic means that they do not interact with water. When a bunch of phospholipids are floating around in water, they try to arrange themselves in a bilayer that shields the hydrophobic parts from water-based, or aqueous, surroundings.
2. The heads are hydrophilic and can then interact with water and other polar or charged substances on either side of the bilayer. The bilayer acts as a barrier that allows cells to maintain internal conditions that are different from external conditions, which is monumentally important for cells to operate properly.
3. Phospholipids demonstrate the intersection of structure and function in another way, too. We already know that fatty acids can be saturated or unsaturated and that unsaturated fatty acids have bends in their chains. Those bends prevent fatty acids from packing close.