Answer:These include closing the doors and windows in the evenings to prevent entry of mosquitoes into human dwellings; using mosquito repellant lotions, creams.
The function of the central vacuole is to maintain proper pressure within the plant cells to provide structure and support of the growing plant.
Answer: is a relatively new human adaptation.
Fight or flight response is a response shown by a human or animal body towards acute stress. It is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to the perceived attack, survival threat and attack. The animals or humans react to threats by the hormonal secretion from sympathetic nervous system. This prepared animals for fighting. The hormonal secretions like catecholamines, epinephrine and nonepinephrine helps in generation of response. Neurotransmitters dopamine, estrogen, testosteron e and cortisol affects how organisms react to the stress.
Fight-or-flight reaction is not a relatively new human adaptation but it is evolved as a survival mechanism which was also present in primitive human beings and mammals and helped them to react in the life-threatening situations.
It’s the subsoil layer. Hope this helped :)
The yeast may not activate if it's way past it's expiration date. Next, add the required amount of yeast to the warm water. Feed the yeast! I like to add a little sugar or honey to the water and yeast mixture, then give it a stir.