Attached excel file containing formula for monthly cost of gas.
To find mileage note down readings at the star of month and at end of month.
Subtract end of month reading from start this will give you number of miles in month. Now as per mentioned in question, divide number of miles by average mpg and multiply by the price of a gallon of gas.
Here is your monthly cost of gas.
user_in = str ( input ("Please enter a phrase: " ))
def reverse_str (string):
e = 0
for e in range (len (string)):
x = -1
print string[x]
x += (len (string))
While programming in most programming languages, one will have need to use functions and variables defined in other class libraries. in C++, these functions and variables' definitions are contained in Header files, which can be imported and used into any C++ program by using the pre-processor #include statement. This statement is the equivalent of import in java and copy in other languages. Popular header files are the Maths class (Allows use of maths functions like power, square roots exponentiation etc), the input/output (allows usage of cout print statement and cin input statement)
I attached the answer in the picture
Logical True and Logical False
These are kinda strange operations. Logical true always results in True and logical false always results in False no matter the premise. These operations are often referred to as “always true” and “always false”.
Binary Operators
Binary operators require two propositions. We’ll use p and q as our sample propositions.
The negation operator is commonly represented by a tilde (~) or ¬ symbol. It negates, or switches, something’s truth value.
We can show this relationship in a truth table. A truth table is a way of organizing information to list out all possible scenarios.
The AND operator (symbolically: ∧) also known as logical conjunction requires both p and q to be True for the result to be True. All other cases result in False. This is logically the same as the intersection of two sets in a Venn Diagram.
Logical implication (symbolically: p → q), also known as “if-then”, results True in all cases except the case T → F. Since this can be a little tricky to remember, it can be helpful to note that this is logically equivalent to ¬p ∨ q (read: not p or q)*.