I believe it's "All, all alike endear'd, grown, ungrown, young or old"
The line begins with the word 'all' repeated then continues to explain who is 'alike' which includes many.
So you can present your ideas accurately and clearly
A complex sentence has one dependent clause and one independent clause.
Here's some examples;
1. After twenty years, he still had feelings for her.
2. Because my coffee was too cold, I heated it in the microwave.
C. After dolphins have been underwater for a long period.
A sentence fragement is an incomplete sentence/thought. In all the rest of the answers, there is a concrete meaning behind what is being saif. However, in C, the write doesn't tell you what happens after a dolphin has been underwater for a long period. Thus, it's an incomplete thought and a sentence fragment.
I think she means that you'll always be your true self, but some people just try to take that away from you. I relate to this because I want to be my true self, but sometimes people get in the way of me trying to be myself.