Both exports and imports are beneficial to economic growth, largely by boosting productivity. Firms in Canada that export have significantly higher productivity than firms that do not export. Imports of intermediate inputs contributed over half of Canada's recent productivity growth.
There was a group of young european workers that came to America from early 17th to early 20th century. These inmigrants would get a contract to work for an american employer during a time period, usually between 1 to 7 years. They didn't get any wages for their work, the employer paid for their subsistance and their passage to the country, but that also meant that he could restrict some of their activities, they weren't completely free. After their contract expired, they were allowed to stay in the country and sometimes they would get a small parcel of land. They were called the Indentured servitude.
I believe the answer is lower than poor whites, but higher than enslaved people or it could be equal to poor whites. I am going to say lower than poor whites but higher, but higer than enslaved people. please let me no if I am wrong.
Britain’s debt from the French and Indian war led it to try to consolidate over its colonies and raise revenue through direct taxation generating tensions between Great Britain and its North American colonies.