Possessive Relative Pronouns
It surprises some people to learn that both who and which can take the possessive form whose. Some will argue that of which is a better construction when talking about things rather than people, but this results in unnecessary awkwardness. The truth is that whose has been widely and correctly applied to nonhumans for hundreds of years.
Relative clauses are also sometimes referred to as adjective clauses, because they identify or give us additional information about the subject of the independent clause they relate to. Like adjectives, these clauses in some way describe that subject. Relative pronouns, like conjunctions, are words that join clauses—in this case, a relative clause to its main clause. The type of relative pronoun used depends on what kind of noun is being described.
I don’t like watching TV but, I really enjoy going to the movies.
...Elaborate please? What story? If you tell me the name of the assignment I can probably get it for you.
is it like this !!
when I was small I was playing with my friends in our compound then we were running suddenly broken bottle shuck my leg then I just fall on the ground and held the leg and started screaming to call the attention of my mum just immediately she hear me screaming she come and carry me then try the necessary needs to cure the wound and if she is treating the wound she will buy me (cheese ball,biscuit and sweet) for me to stop crying then I will reduce the cry.
when she is done with treating my leg,she will carry me and back me at her back
Mummy thank u very much for ur help over me.
is this how it goes?
Remove where I usually order a large latte and muffin