First, you'll need to convert 30% into a decimal. You can do this by moving 30's decimal place twice to the left to get 0.30. Now you'll need to multiply 0.30 with 160km to get 30% of 160. Once you've done that you should have 48. Now to increase 160km by 30%, you'll need to add 48 to 160 to increase it by 30%. Once you've done that, you should have an answer of 208km.
The answer is 6 months because $1100 - $200 (which he already has) = $900. $900 divided by $150 (which he saves each month) = 6. So it took him 6 months to save up enough.
She would save 54.45 because addding them up individually before the plan would cost 184.49 and to find the difference all you have to do is subtract 184.49-129.99 and that would tell you how much she saved