Anuloma Prāṇāyāma is one of several Pranayama or breath exercises used in the practice of Hatha yoga. Anu roughly translates as with and Loma means hair implying "with the grain" or "natural". It is the opposite of Viloma Prāṇāyāma which means against the grain.
Option: a. saw the herds suffer heavy losses.
c. proved that cattle could be driven to distant markets.
d. established a link to the booming urban markets of the East.
Cattle drives began in American West where they moved large herds of livestock to market, find fresh pasture, and to shipping points. In the 19th century, ranching became possible in Texas to Missouri. Cattle raised by the Spanish in Texas which began in mid 18th century. Early cattle drives headed west after the gold rush.
The correct answer is B) guilt is the only force that compels us to act morally.
It has been argued by social learning theorists that guilt is important for learning the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior and acting in such a way. Some argue that is it the only motivator for moral behavior.
The commonwealth of Nations is an organisation uniting the former members of the British Empire: so the answer is: the British Empire.
Some, but not all (16 out of 50) of the countries of the Commonwealth recognize Queen Elisabeth II as their monarch.