It served as model for later legal systems
<em>Roman law</em> was the system of justice that was practiced in Ancient Rome. Most European countries' law systems over the centuries were based on the law of Ancient Rome, proving just to what extent it was valued.
Its history dates back from <em>the Twelve Tables,</em><em> </em>located at the Forum Romanum. They specified the rights and duties of each and every Roman citizen in order to assure the rule of democracy in the Republic of Rome.
the persecutions against European Jews in the high middle ages were proceeded by mass eastward migrations of the Jews. The Jews were persecuted because they were considered as belonging to a lower class and were treated as filthy. They were also blamed for things that went wrong in society
He is better known for his tales of mystery and macabre.
Congress claimed the following powers: to make war and peace; conduct foreign affairs; request men and money from the states; coin and borrow money; regulate Indian affairs; and settle disputes among the states.
that is not the answer but it will help towards the answer