"mmaBooks.Customers.Add(customer);" is a correct answer for the above question.
Missing information : The correct answer is missing in the question which is defined in the answer part.
- If a user wants to add any objects to any collection in the C# programming, then he needs to follow the "Entity_data_model_named. collection_name. ADD(object_name)" syntax. The above question also wants this type of statement.
- The option c states the same statements, but there is needs one statement to define the name of db or database models. But the option c does not hold the name of the database models. Hence it is not the correct answer.
- And the other options do not follow the syntax to add, hence others is also not a valid option.
A relational database stores data in the form of lists.
A) Array of buttons for<u> quick access </u>to commonly used <u>commands and tools</u>: Tool bar
That's what most people will use most of the time, to quickly perform the most common tasks.
B) <u>List of commands</u> to create, format and edit presentations: Menu Bar.
When the features listed in the tool bar aren't enough, we go to the Menu system, which lists all the features of the program.
C) <u>Provides info</u> about current slide<u> at the bottom</u> of the slide: Status Bar.
The status bar is always located at the <u>bottom of the screen</u>.
D) <u>Provides navigation</u> through the slides: Scroll bar.
Where you can scroll down and up your slides.
Library books and items bought in stores are 2 different applications that make use of barcodes.