He changed his vote because of a letter from his mother asking him to "be a good boy" and vote for the amendment.
- Harry Thomas Burn was the youngest member of the state legislature (Tennessee General Assembly )
- He is remembered for the step taken to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment during his very first legislature.
- Even though he really intended to vote for the amendment, he was pressurized by party leaders and other misleading telegrams. He began to side with the Anti-suffragists.
- He received a letter from his mother which made him to change his mind and vote for the amendment.
- The result of the vote was a tie of 48-48, when the house speaker called for a vote on the "merits", but his vote broke the tie in favor of ratifying the amendment.
Medieval philosophers believed a ruler should be most concerned with taking over other countries; Machiavelli argued that a ruler should only worry about his own country. ... Medieval philosophers believed a ruler should be ruthless and fearless; Machiavelli believed leaders should be compassionate and kind above all else.
A lot of famous and infamous monarchs have come from the Tudors.
The Tudor dynasty was a turning point from the beginning because its first monarch, Henry VII, became the monarch at the end of a series of battles now known as the War of the Roses.
Later on, the well-known monarchs Mary I ("Blood y Mary") and Elizabeth I, both members of the Tudor dynasty, came to throne, performing many history-changing actions.
Oil shale
It was discovered in the region in the 1970s. it spurred economic growth in the neighboring areas of Colorado. however major a discovery it was, the industry declined leading to copper, silver and gold being the most important mineral resource in the Rockies mountain.
A bond rating is a grade given to bonds that indicates their credit quality. Independent rating services such as Standard & Poor's and Moody's provide these evaluations of a bond issuer's financial strength, or its ability to pay a bond's principal and interest in a timely fashion.