They were of course enraged by the ruling and several political figures and journals vehemently denounced it. However, the most terrifying aspect was, in their view, that this decision was the first in a series of many that would eventually spread slavery to the entirety of the United States, including Free States. Senator Abraham Lincoln even explicitly stated his grave concerns in his House Divided speech of 1858.
Credit is essentialy a loan given that is paid back with interest. Arguably, credit caused the Great Depression. Many Americans invested in the stock market with credit when they did not have the money, so when a recession in the stock market occurred, many stockholders were in huge debt. Banks that lended money were out of money, and depositors lost money. This caused homes to foreclose, and because of the decrease in consumer purchasing power (people were in debt), companies laid off workers and unemployment rose.
they offered new flavor sensations which made them exotic and expensive
With his new focus on being a dad, Colby will spend less time working overtime and working less in general. This also means that his income will decrease, as less work means less money.
I hope this helps! :)
Animals were used for labor and farming tasks, bud.