Grease payments, Option A, are payments to ensure receiving the standard treatment that a business ought to receive from a foreign government, but might not due to the obstruction of a foreign official
Grease payment is like a bribe which is usually small in amount and is provided to a government official or to a businessman with the aim of expediting a business decision. It may also be used in case any shipment or any transaction needs to be expedited.
Grease payments do not change the result of the foreign official's decision, under FCPA. If it changes the consequence, then it is considered a bribe. In that case, grease payments become illegal. It also depends on the amount given to the official and their frequency to decide if it is illegal.
Answer: Option (C) is correct.
Given that,
Old market price of stock = $15
New market price of stock = $18
Here, we assume that EPS be $5.
Price-earning ratio at old price =
= 3
Price-earning ratio at New price =
= 3.6
Hence, price-earnings ratio increases.
A homeowner fears the construction of a factory nearby will decrease the value of her property. this illustrates the principle of externalities.
Many people are unaware that there are tax advantages for home owners when they purchase, own, remodel and even sell their property. These advantages take the form of tax deductions, which lower your taxable income and hence lower your tax payment.
However, you might be astonished to hear that even though the house was bought with a mortgage, you still own it. As the homeowner, your name is listed on the title. The lender does not actually own your home; rather, they only have a stake in the property and the mortgage note.
According to the Federal Reserve's 2020 Survey of Consumer Finances, if you own your home, you probably have a higher value than someone who rents. The assumption that owning a home is a wise financial decision is supported by the fact that homeowners have a net worth that is more than 40 times bigger than their counterparts who rent.
Learn more about homeowners here:
(a). A worker at a Sony plant in Japan buys some Georgia peaches from an American farmer.
-<u> Increase in exports while no change in imports</u>.
(b). The Sony pension fund buys a bond from the U.S. Treasury.
- <u>Decrease in a net outflow of capital. Thus, it would be considered as a negative inflow/outflow</u>.
(c). An American investor buys a controlling share in a South Korean electronics firm.
- <u>Increase in Net Capital outflow for the U.S</u>.
Exports are described as the selling of domestic goods to a foreign country while Imports are characterized as the process of bringing in foreign goods to the domestic country. And Capital outflow is defined as the exact flow of funds from domestic to foreign and foreign to the domestic country.
In the first case, the purchase reflects a rise in exports as the domestic product is sold to the foreign country. In the second situation, the net outflow of the capital would decreases as it demonstrates a foreign purchase of a domestic asset. In the third example, the American investors' purchase of a South Korean firm demonstrates a domestic purchase of a foreign asset and thus, the net capital outflow would rise.