Even after they'e declaration of indepedence was issued. Segregation was big in the south.
The story “Mercury and the Workmen,” a famous Greek fable, deals with the topic of honesty. In the story, the honest man is rewarded, and the dishonest one punished, highlighting the importance of honesty and the benefits it can bring. This theme is universal, as honesty is appreciated everywhere in the world. This moral therefore is relevant for a wide range of stories and situations beyond the Greek story itself.
Another famous story that gives a lesson on the importance of honesty is “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant. There are several similarities between both stories. In both cases, dishonesty is punished, and the dishonest characters end up worse than they would have been if they had not attempted to tell a lie. However, they are different in that in the Greek story, it is Mercury who punishes the liar, while in the French story the consequences are brought about by fate. Also, the motivation to lie in the first story is greed, while in the second one it is a desire for recognition and status. Both stories are good examples of this universal theme.
1.Why wasn't >he< invited to Anila's party? The underline word is he which is nominative since he was used as the subject of the sentence.
The answer is C
2. I hope Alina left >me< directions to her house.The underline word is me which is objective as it is a personal pronoun.
The answer is A. O
3.My sister will pick >us< up after Alina's party.
The underline work is us which is also objective.
The answer is B. O
1. Subjunctive
2. Imperative
3. Indicative
The old system has died, and a new society will depend on racial cooperation.
In this story, we see an example of irony. The story shows us that the white family believes in the traditional way of being. They have internalized the idea that white people are superior to black people, and that this makes them natural masters and rulers. This idea of white supremacy is exemplified in the white boy. However, when the white boy's body is trapped in a barbed wire fence, this is a symbol of the death of the old regime and the beginning of a new era. This new era is represented by the cooperation that can be seen between the white parents, and the black servants.