Diffusion of solutes in liquids is very important in many industrial processes, especially in such separation operations as
1) liquid–liquid extraction or solvent extraction,
2) gas absorption
3) distillation
4) Diffusion is important to cells because it allows them to gain the useful substances they require to obtain energy and grow
5)and lets them get rid of waste products.
The answer is Na + is entering the cell and the K + is leaving, during the depolarization phase of the action potential open Na + channels allow Na + ions to diffuse into the cell. This inward movement of positive charge makes the membrane potential more positive. The depolarization phase is a positive response sequence where open Na + channels cause depolarization which in re-occurrence causes more voltage gated Na+ channels to open.
Many of the cell's metabolic processes take place in A. the cytoplasm. In prokaryotes, metabolic processes take place in the cytosol, which is the word for cytoplasm without organelles.