Delegatee Responsibilities
Everyone is responsible for the well-being of patients. While the nurse is ultimately accountable for the overall care provided to a patient, the delegatee shares the responsibility for the patient and is fully responsible for the delegated activity, skill or procedure
DO support the person's breathing by administering oxygen or performing rescue breathing. DO administer naloxone. DO put the person in the “recovery position” on the side, if he or she is breathing independently. DO stay with the person and keep him/her warm.
A doctor could prescribe a restricted sodium diet
The information collected by the nurse who is admitting a patient with chest pain suggests that the pain is caused by an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) the pain has persisted longer than 30 minutes.
- A blood clot or other obstruction of the flow of blood to the heart muscle causes a heart attack. Angina. The term "angina" refers to chest pain brought on by inadequate cardiac blood supply. This is frequently brought on by the development of thick plaques on the inner walls of the arteries that supply the heart with blood.
- AMI, more commonly known as a heart attack in layman's words, is most frequently brought on by a reduction or cessation of blood supply to a section of the heart, which results in the necrosis of heart muscle. Usually, a blood clot in the artery that supplies that region of the heart muscle causes this.
To learn more about chest pain.
Any living thing will die if it is lacking the proper nutrition.