Answer: b. The elderly have a higher risk from toxic pesticides because they are less able to eliminate environmental toxins.
The older adults are expected to have health problems after a pesticide exposure. This is because of the fact that their metabolism is slow and the liver and kidneys are not able to remove the pesticides from the body. The liver and kidney may get injured during the exposure of the high doses of pesticides.
The longer a pesticide stay in the body of an old person this may result in more severe injury. As the body is slow in metabolism that is the conversion of the chemicals in the pesticides into less toxic metabolites. Thus the elderly people will not be able to eliminate the toxin from the body. The toxin will damage the vital organs and can lead to death.
Some dentists may choose to become dental surgeons or orthodontists. This requires more time in residency, however, more time in medical school is nto required.
1. dendrite = directs impulses toward the soma.
2. axon = conducts impulses toward the synaptic terminal.
3. perikaryon = region surrounding nucleus.
4. collateral branches = main branches of an axon.
5. synaptic terminal = enlarged end of an axon.
6. synaptic vesicles = contains neurotransmitters.
7. axon hillock = connects the cell body and axon.
8. Nissl bodies = clusters of RER and free ribosomes.
9. telodendria = fine branches of an axon.
10. myelinated internode = part of axon covered by Schwann cell.
11. neurilemma = Schwann cell's plasma membrane.
12. axolemma = membrane of the axon.
13. astrocyte = Forms the blood-brain barrier.
14. cell body = soma.
Answer: Blood loss regulation
Positive feed back is response of body in which there is an increase in the effect of small disturbance and the effect is intensified on a system. The magnitude of the effect increases.
In case of blood loss the body releases clotting factors that helps in preventing the body from severe blood loss.
The body releases clotting factors and these clotting factors tend to release more and more clotting factors that begins the process of blood clotting in vessels.
This is an example of positive feedback which acts as a life saving cascade.