Game’s top rack not top pop
50 independent fair games
Mean will be 50/2 = 25
Standard deviation of the loosing probability is :
* 10 = 33.536
we have to loose 33 times out of 50 games.
To find the approximate probability we use z- value table.
z value =
z - value = 2.2659
Looking at the z-value table we get 0.119.
You will get compile error
ESPANOL: La explotación exitosa de nuevas ideas es crucial para que una empresa pueda mejorar sus procesos, traer productos y servicios nuevos y mejorados al mercado, aumentar su eficiencia y, lo más importante, mejorar su rentabilidad.
INGLES: The successful exploitation of new ideas is crucial to a business being able to improve its processes, bring new and improved products and services to market, increase its efficiency and, most importantly, improve its profitability