sorry, I'm not sure
Here's a cool video thooo
The anchor may be explained as the first piece of information which an individual has access to. This anchor, or information, hence affects the decision made by the individual as they rely so heavily on it no matter the level or degree of veracity of the information. The anchor may be seen as a particular reference point over which a the person uses as a benchmark for his belief on certain issues. For instance, a person might had an initial information on a particular subject. This information might be adopted by the person as an anchor such that he relies so heavily on it no matter how false it may seem.
a county of west central England, part of Hereford and Worcester between 1974 and 1998.
"Attacking radical abolitionists to boost his credibility with moderate southerners, Webster urged northerners to respect slavery in the South and to assist in the return of fugitive slaves to their owners. He joined Clay in warning that the Union could never be dismembered peacefully." -
For the answer to the question above,
Well, I believe the answer on your question is 3 parts.
1. Part A is attached to the detainee in order to restrict detainee's movement, could be made from any type of durable material.
2. The Part B is retained by the capturing unit and maintained in the unit's records lastly.
3. The Part C is attached to the tools/belongings confiscated from the detainee, so it could be matched later.