The Principia Mathematica was written by Alfred North Whitehead
Hong Kong is officially known as the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Hong Kong has one of the world's most thriving economies and is a hub for international trade and investment. A cosmopolitan city, Hong Kong weaves Western and Asian influence into a world-class center of business, culture, and trade.
Governments levy taxes on households and businesses in order to provide certain benefits to everyone. In the circular flow model, injections into the economy include investment, government purchases, and exports while leakages include savings, taxes, and imports.
Mummificatiom was the process into how a pharaoh was buried for death. They took out his organs and put then into some sort of vases which they then buried with him and his treasures or wealth so he can use them in the "afterlife". They placed him in a sarcophagus all wrapped in a fabric, not sure if it was linen though.
But if you want a more descriptive description then go to Google, those were just in my own words and what I remeber.