The older male astronaut welcomes the female trainees.
As written "The older male astronaut welcome the female trainees" the word welcome is being used as a verb and is impropley conjugated.
I - welcome
You- welcome
He/She/It- welcomes
We- welcome
They- welcome
<span>It's truly dependent upon the area represented. Smaller-level governance is definitely focused on the individual and small group, since the representative is directly responsible and able to communicate openly with their constituents. When the levels reach state and federal representatives, it becomes tougher to directly communicate because of the greater distance (and more levels) between the representative and the constituent.</span>
Treaty of Sèvres, (August 10, 1920), post-World War I pact between the victorious Allied powers and representatives of the government of Ottoman Turkey. The treaty abolished the Ottoman Empire and obliged Turkey to renounce all rights over Arab Asia and North Africa.