$7.25 at part-time job
$9.00 every time lawn mowed
so he would get 33.33 day so we will just say 33 times to get 300 dollars if he gets $9 for mowing. And 41.37 hours to get $300 and he would have to use x and y graph to find the boundary line.
Step-by-step explanation:
Scientists need technology to figure out other stuff. For example, A computer is used to research.
Step-by-step explanation:
First: multiply both sides by 4. 4 times c is 4c and the other sides cancels out as you are doing the inverse operation of division
Then, you have
Subtract both sides by a squared
DO NOT TAKE THE SQUARE ROOT! This is because it is a squared plus 3b so you have to do the inverse of addition
From that you get
Finally, divide both sides by 3.
You get
There are 4 choose 3 ways to hold 3 kings and 4 possible queens to make up the fourth card of the hand out of a total of 54 choose 4 possible four-card hands, which gives us the following expression for the probability of being dealt 3 kings and a queen out of 4 cards: Or roughly 1 in every 16920 four card hands.