The author uses cause and effect to show that the tailor's repair causes the bean to have a black line is your answer.
- The association of the two events of the bursting of a happy bean and the tailor traveling on the same path the bean has burst on leads the narration to automatically figure out that the tailor is going to help the bean somehow.
- The compassionate nature of the tailor has been put an emphasis on so as to convey that it was because the tailor was compassionate, the life of the bean was saved.
I would say fast because it feels like it’s tension in the phrase
The more parents read to their children, the higher their children score on achievement tests. This relationship between parents reading to their children and child achievement represents a positive correlation.
Correlations can take two different ways or directions, positive and negative, and they consist of two variables. When a positive correlation takes place, both variables move towards the same point. On the other hand, when negative correlation takes place, these move in opposite ways, meaning that while one of the variables goes up, the other goes down, and vice versa.
In literature, an allusion is an "unexplained reference to something or someone outside of the text". The reference is usually to someone or something popular, like Mark Twain.