B) Laughing uproariously, the little girls ran away from the group of boys they'd just attacked with water balloons.
Participle phrases work as adjectives: they start with -<em>ing </em>if it is a present participle, and they begin with a past participle form if it refers to the past. In this case, the participle phrase is<em> laughing uproariously</em>, which provides characterization to the sentence.
Harlem is a poem written by Langston Hughes. It does not
have a set of meter or rhyme scheme. It does not have a set rhythm as it is
written in many lines of varying lengths. Therefore, this poem is considered as
free verse, which means that it does not have recognizable pattern. The poem
does not follow the norms or the rules for rhyming or rhythmic patterns. It is “free”
from consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any other musical pattern.
Repartee=often witty and cheeky: an example;
Teacher: Did you finish your homework?
student: yes
Teacher: wow, I'm surprised.
Answer:going down the first row
the first one inform
second to entertain
third to persuade
second row
the first one to inform
second persuade