Words from the same language that have the same or similar meanings are called synonyms. In this case, we are looking for synonyms of the words dainty/squeamish.
The word <em>dainty</em> means of<em> delicate taste, easily disgusted.</em>
If someone is squeamish, they are easily upset, shocked, or disgusted by things they find unpleasant or don't approve of.
The word with the similar meaning is<em> </em><em>fastidious</em><em>,</em> meaning <em>paying attention to small details and wanting everything to be correct and perfect</em>, or <em>having high standards, difficult to please</em>. In dictionaries, it is often listed as a synonym of <em>dainty.</em>
The rest of the words don't have similar meanings.
A vixen is a female fox.
If something is cryptic, it is mysterious.
<em>Mortified</em> means extremely<em> embarrassed.</em>
The Oracle at Delphi was D) a relatively unknown but wealthy religious institution associated wit the Greek god Apollo.
I believe the answer to your question is c
I agree
I believe that if you don't like what you do, then you will start to slack off, and won't get any better at it. You work harder if you like your work, and therefore you need to like what you do. Don't go the path others what you to go, unless you want to.