It indicates that there land is not good for farming. Since Canada is cold most of the year, the ground is going to be hard and not good for farming.
The Swedish political scientist Rudolph Kjellen was the first to use the term "geopolitics" in his works in the late 19th century. It´s the analysis of the influence of geography on power relations in international affairs. In the geopolitical analysis, factors such as climate, topography, access to the sea and arable land are part of the analysis of the interaction between geography and political issues affecting nations´ life.
Show them the affects of what would happen if they didn’t take responsibility, eg struggles of obesity etc, hope this helps :)
b. did not initially cover all categories of workers.
The American Social Security System was very different from what we know today, in its early years of establishment, during the New Deal. The main difference was that it did not cover all professional categories (which made it different from the European pension system). Professional categories were included in this system as the US economic condition strengthened through other New Deal reforms. This happened little by little, until it became what we know today.