14, Model Town
May 25, 20XX
The Managing Director
The Radisson Hotel
Sub: Application for the post of Chief Chef
This is with reference to the advertisement published in the esteemed daily. The Hindu on May 20, 20XX. I am Anand. I have completed my MBA in hotel management
from Delhi University. I intend to apply for the post of chief chef in your esteemed organisation.
Please find enclosed my biodata for the said purpose. I am hard working, honest and punctual. I assure you that I shall work with full devotion and sincerity.
In anticipation of an early response.
Yours truly
Name : Anand Kumar Father’s Name : Kapil Kumar Date of Birth : 22 January, 1990 Contact No. : 9350298679 Marital Status : Unmarried Educational Qualifications• Master of Business Administration, A.K. College, Delhi (2013)-95% Marks.
• Graduation in Hotel Management, Satyawati College, (2011) -94% Marks Working Experience : Trainee at the Taj Hotel, New Delhi. (May 2013-Dec. 2013) Languages Known : Hindi and English References1. A.K. Poddar Professor, Head of Dept. ABC College, Delhi
2. Ram Prakash Professor and Dean K.X. College, Delhi
Should teenager have Cell Phone Cell phones have become an essential part of our daily life. Teenagers are the majority of cell phones users in the world. The issue of whether or not teenager should have cell phone has been a controversy for many years. Some people believe teenagers should be allowed to carry them around on their person and some don’t. There are various reasons why teenager should have cellphones; for emergency purpose, for academic purpose and for responsibility. The first reason would be the most obvious: Emergency purposes. In today’s modern society there are numerous threats that are just out of our control, with a cell phone this can be properly assessed and handle. Many new applications have been created in order to protect people of various ages from falling victim to crime and assault. The advantage of cellphones could be that you could report the crime within minutes or seconds and help identify the assaulter.
The quoted line is from the poem of ‘Persephone the Greek
Goddess of Spring’ by Ingrid Jonker. The line ‘your eyes dried seeds, your body
a husk of light’ means that—in your eyes dried seeds, it is trying to point out
the daughter of Persephone, in which it symbolizes the way of her daughter
going back to the underground while her mother didn’t even paid attention to
the nature, in which she should. Your body a husk of light is trying to point
out the last time Persephone saw her daughter.
<span>"Should I go?" she asked herself when she finished reading the long text message from her friend. The text invited her to come spend the holiday up North. </span>