A car can go fast. However, you should slow down on ice.
1- الاولاد ذهبو الى السوق (The kids went to the shop)
2- المعلمه مسحت السبوره (The teacher wiped the board)
3- الاشجار بجانب الجامعه (The trees are near the college)
4-السائق صاق السياره (The driver drove the car)
5- انا ذاهب الى الجامعه (I am going to the college)
6- انت مسافر الى دبي لحتفل العيد (You are travelling to Dubai to celebrate Eid)
7- الولد سقط من السقف (The boy fell from the roof)
8-هو لمس الأسد (He touched the lion)
9-هي تشبه القمر (She looks like the moon)
10-انا مريض لمده ثلاثه ايام (I'm sick for 3 days)
11-السياره خبطت الجدار (The car hit the wall)
12- خالد ذهب الى المكتبه (Khaled went to the library)
El kiwi= C
La piña= A
Las galletas= D
Las peras= B
A. Exclamation point, I’m pretty sure
Women’s roles in literature has evolved throughout history and had lead women to develop into strong independent roles. Modern literature has served as an outlet and sounding board for women’s rights and feminist pioneers. Female writers have come to the fore front and provided today’s readers with a vast array of ethnic and cultural perspectives. The unique voice of female minorities is a common theme in many coming of age novels that allows each writer to establish a separate identity for their characters and themselves. Women in modern literature often include strong independent females juxtaposed by oppressed women to provide examples for young female readers and to critique short comings of our society. The emergence of the independent female novelist in America has allowed for a new evolution of the role of women in fictional literature.