Israel is a parliamentary democracy consisting of legislative, executive and judicial branches. Its institutions are the presidency, the Knesset (parliament), the government (cabinet of ministers) and the judiciary. :)
Denudation is a process that causes the wearing away of the earths surface by moving water, by ice, by wind and by waves. this leads to a reduction in elevation and in relief of landforms and of landscapes
Lower the emission of carbondioxide gas and planting more trees.
Lower the emission of carbondioxide gas and planting more trees are the two measures that have been implemented at the national level of countries to ensure the sustainability of coral reefs. Carbondioxide emission is the main reason for the destruction of coral reefs because more carbondioxide emission causes decrease the pH level of ocean. This acidic water of ocean damaged the skeleton of coral reefs and as a result thousands of organisms lost their habitat.
internal migration: moving within a state, country, or continent.
external migration: moving to a different state, country, or continent.
The circulation of water is called the water cycle