The United States will now be able to Export Natural Gas to nations that have a demand for Natural Gas, resulting in economic gain. This is opposed to France, who without Natural Gas supplies will now have to rely on importing from the U.S and other Natural Gas exporters.
In short, the U.S can make money off their natural resource, whereas France cannot and instead would have to spend by importing Natural Gas.
I'm not close to being a genius or conqueror, but I can infer from that in China, their recent governments and ruling dynasties like the Ming had been abusing the peasants, leading to mass starvations and revolts all across China. Karl Marx's idea of equality seemed promising to the weary nation, but it faced much opposition from the nationalists and those harboring democratic ideals. Unfortunately, Mao De Zong and the Communists took power, forcing the opposition to flee to Taiwan. Thus the era of the People's Republic of China began.
THE BRITISH EMPIRE!!!!!! Legit caused the opium war
UN experts concluded that Iraq had eliminated weapons of mass destruction in 1991 after its Desert Storm defeat, but officials in U.S. president George W. Bush's administration attempted to argue that the UN experts were wrong.