From all the aforementioned, significant periods in Chinese history were marked by the: Shang, Qing and Xia. The answer to your question us 1, 4 and 5. I hope that this is the answer that you were looking for and it has helped you.
The federal government was too weak, and couldn't enforce their laws. They had borrowed money for the Revolutionary War and couldn't pay their debt. They also lacked the power to tax.
Therefore, the answer would be the first one.
Merchants on the silk road transported goods and traded at bazaars or caravanserai along the way. They traded goods such as silk, spices, tea, ivory, cotton, wool, precious metals, and ideas. Use these resources to explore this ancient trade route with your students this means without merchants they wouldn't be able to make any money. So the king relies on the merchant and the merchant controls how much money they make.
Yeah its defenitly a good answer