5) They encourage people to do exceptional things with trust, commitment, and loyalty to produce significant results and change.
Life during the 1800s in America was already difficult for many people. Of course, there were rich factory owners in the North and plantation owners in the South, but the average farmer and his family worked extremely hard just to survive. When the Civil War started, living conditions became even more difficult for the average American. Many of the men joined the army or were drafted. The women were left at home to work the farm or to find jobs and support the family on their own. Poor Men Went to War Many poor men thought that fighting in the army was an opportunity for adventure and excitement. This seemed much better than the drudgery of the hard work of everyday life. They soon found out that war was both boring and terrifying. Both sides of the war eventually instituted a draft. This was when men were randomly chosen to enter the army whether they wanted to or not. However, the rich were able to legally avoid the draft. In the North, they could pay a fee of $300 or pay someone else to take their place. In the South, men who owned more than twenty slaves didn't have to fight. Women at Home With so many men gone to war, women had to take up new jobs. They worked the fields on farms and at factories producing goods for the armies. Some women served as nurses in the army, helping wounded soldiers recover. Women had to work very hard to provide for their families. Often not only their husbands were at war, but also their older sons and fathers. War in the South Life in the South during the Civil War was even more difficult than in the North. The Union had blockaded many of the ports of the South, causing shortages of food and other items that people needed. Also, most of the war took place in the South. Families lived in constant fear of getting overrun by an army. When General Sherman took the Union army from Atlanta to Savannah he burned and destroyed much of the land and farms along the way. It was a scary time.
C. Spirituality.
Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experience—something that touches us all. The origin of "spiritual" is the Latin word spiritus meaning breath. Breathing, an essential element of human life, thus informs that spirituality has something to do with an essence of living. Other words with this common root include inspire, aspire and to conspire which means to breathe together. To conclude, being a spiritual person is synonymous with being a person whose highest priority is to be loving to yourself and others. A spiritual person cares about people, animals and the planet. A spiritual person knows that we are all One, and consciously attempts to honor this Oneness.
The first civilizations developed in North Africa, Middle East, and South and East Asia because of the advantages that this areas offered to the people inhabiting them. The biggest advantage were the big rivers with long and wide fertile plains beside them, which enabled the people to be involved in agriculture and produce big amounts of food and even reserves. Since the food problem was solved, they were able to concentrate on other things in their spare time and started to develop architecture, sciences, philosophy, writing systems...
Westerlies blow west to east picking up warmth from this current and carry it to Europe. There aren't any (large) mountain ranges that can block the winds so they are felt far inland. They carry moisture giving their region rainfall.