<em>IAU- International Astronomical Union</em>
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is an organization consisting of professional astronomers from around the whole world. The astronomers in the International Astronomical Union (IAU) work together to assign names and probable functions of different celestial bodies being discovered. The aim of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) is to protect and to safeguard field of astronomy and make progress in this field.
c. Cerebrum
The cerebrum is the part of the brain that is responsible for processing the sensory information, critical thinking and learning. It stores this information and processing centers make predictions for various conditions. The Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area represent the areas of language present in the cerebral cortex and are associated with language and speech.
Azimuthal map projections
The Azimuthal map projections come in a circular shape. They represent the whole world but in a different manner than that of the other map projections. The other map projections tend to have problems with the size of the objects as they get further away from the Equator, but this map projection doesn't have that problem. The Azimuthal map projections actually represent all of the places on Earth with their correct distances from the central point, and they all have their sizes correct proportionally to the scale, thus making an accurate map projection.
The correct answer is d Bill"s plasma contain B antibodies
As Bill"s plasma contain B antibodies that"s why his blood cells do not aggutinate when mixed with anti B serum.