Several types of wind instruments – horn, wood, aulos and ivory ... 5,000 years ago. ... history dates back to around 1,500 BCE (Gupta, 2014) –.
Barcos de esclavos procedentes de Gran Bretaña partían de Londres, Liverpool y Bristol para el África Occidental, transportando tela, armas, artículos de ferretería y bebidas, mercancías todas de producción local
not sure but
The destruction and length was mostly due to the new technological advances of: machine guns, barbed wire, and rapid firing artillery. Also the new “trench warfare” method caused many deaths on both sides but prevented any significant advancement. ... Stalemate-deadlock made the war long as advance was very difficult.
A divided regional identity (with a bit of national unity) developed.
Politics: Some contributed (voting rights) to unity, others (nullification) clearly divided the country.
Economics: Market revolution was a bit of both but Tariffs and the clash between the industrial north and the agricultural south was dividing the country and contributed to a regional identity.
Foreign Policy: The war of 1812 united the country; the westward expansion was uniting and dividing at the same time.
As we take in account that Economics is always the most important thing for the general public, the regional identity grew more than the national unity did.
Most of the time in monarchies the rule is passed down through the bloodline, so my train of thought is feudalism.