Dubai Exports Goods To The Company.
are we supposed to write it in a sentence like that^
Difficult and painful
Sarah's life was full of struggles as her parents died and only left with her siblings.
In general student loan debt cannot be erased by declaring bankruptcy, credit card and gambling debt on the other hand can be erased. This is mainly due to two reasons for starters, the money that is owed is technically owed to the government when dealing with student loan debt. Credit Card and gambling debt is owed to private institutions. The second reason is that there is a wide range of programs available to help repay student loans as opposed to credit card and gambling debt. Personally, this does seem unfair because certain debts like gambling are vices while college debt is done with the hopes of bettering your future and the world.
"Isn't there something wrong when shipping jobs overseas has become so commonplace that we're able to write sitcoms about it..." (paragraph 17)
"Unless we take drastic steps to stop the job-killers, they may very well ship the rest of our jobs overseas..." (paragraph 20)
The author uses pathos (appeal to emotion) to support his arguments in Passage 3 by asking the engaging question of something going wrong with people being comfortable with talking about shipping jobs overseas on sitcoms and appealing to emotion by suggesting that unless drastic action is taken, more jobs will be shipped abroad.