Answer: Once upon a time, there was a wrench bird that housed on a metal tree. The tree was annoyed by the bird after it pooped white balls that hatch into microbirds that were new to the world that were very noisy with their chreep chreep sound. The tree decided to shake to dance to pitch the bird to the house of a human named Smiley. Smiley saw that the bird was sad that had no house to live in so he decided to adopt the bird and its babies. The bird lived cheerly and so did babies. THE END!
I represents the number 1, V represents 5, X is 10, L is 50, C is 100, D is 500, and M is 1,000
to help the people who can't make decisions for themselves and to create a government that runs smoothly and efficiently in doing so it makes jobs available in many positions which gives works to those willing and payment
Do snakes get a lot of attention?