E. It so stated that it started with the crashing of the stock market.
avant garde is a type of social outsider so to say
1. The four states of United States that border Mexico are Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. There are multiple similarities between these four states, be it in their geography or culture. The most striking similarities are that all of these four states have a very percentage of population that has Mexican ancestry, and that the Spanish language is commonly used, but at home and officially. There are two main reasons for this. One of them is that these states were once part of Mexico, so when the United States managed to conquer them, they encountered mostly Mexicans, which did not returned to Mexico but stayed in the United States. Another reason is that they border with Mexico, so the Mexicans that migrate toward the United States mostly end up in these states, or are there for at least some time.
2. The differences between these four states can be mostly seen in their economies and their cultures. The economies of these four states are all different. Texas for example is focused on the oil reserves, as well as large scale farming and ranching, while California is mostly focused on the tertiary sectors, such as its famous movie industry. The culture too differs in all of these states, which is actually a trait of any state in the United States as all of them have something specific about them. The Texans tend to be more rough, love weapons, and are much more conservative. The Californians tend to be much more libertarian, more easy going, and love the spotlight. The New Mexicans and Arizonians are not very open, they tend to be more closed and function in their communities, while not being very willing to engage with ''outsiders''.
D. The tribune could veto the magistrates' orders.
Initially, the tribunes protected individual plebeians from the arbitrariness of the magistrates. Gradually, a rather large power grown out of this right. Since 449, a person of tribune became inviolable, and his house had the right of asylum. The tribune could veto (ban) decisions of magistrates and the Senate (intercession law). Gradually, he became, as it were, the custodian of an agreement between the estates, and as such could take measures against uta violators (arrest, fine, etc.).
During the migration, there were many new jobs available for African Americans, but most are very dangerous and could result in fatal outcomes. Female African Americans had a more difficult time finding work, having competitions against others just for mere labor work. As a result of the migration, blacks ended up creating their own suburbs and cities, a lot being in New York. The outcome was ultimately good, as the African Americans had increasing political activism along with more jobs.