If you want to reheat potatoes that are already cooked on a pan or fried, they may mash or dry, especially if they are fried. Better to avoid this practice for taste reasons, even if we can possibly heat them in the pan.
How to do?
To reheat potatoes boiled in water or steam, fry them in the pan: this is the best way to get the right result to taste, and you can also heat them in the microwave. cutting them into pieces so that reheating is easier and more uniform.
Most enzymes are proteins and therefore their function is specific to their structure. Enzymes function as a catalyst to increase the rate of virtually all the chemical reactions that take place in a living system.
Option A, accumulate sulfur as intracellular granules.
Purple sulfur bacteria belong to the group of Proteobacteria. These probacterias are anaerobic in nature and yet are able to photosynthesise. They are usually found in water environments such as hot springs, stagnant water etc. They use sulphur (either in the form of sulfide, or thiosulfate) as an electron donor in their photosynthetic activity to oxidise sulfur thereby producing granules of elemental sulfur.
while filamentous sulfur oxidizers use nitrate instead of oxygen to oxidize sulfide thereby producing granules.
Hence, option A is correct.
C. The reactions take up too much space in the cell if the enzymes are missing.
Well our bodies are made from atoms which are also in supernovas. theoretically atoms make everything so that could be a connection. also, supernovas and bodies all have a time clock, or they were born at one point and will end up dying at one point.