Chaingang was the nickname for slavery.
According to Freud’s psychosexual stages of personality development, girls experience penis envy in the <u>"phallic" </u>stage
In Freudian psychoanalysis, the phallic stage is the third phase of psychosexual advancement, crossing the ages of three to six years, wherein the newborn child's libido (want) focuses upon his or her genitalia as the erogenous zone. At this stage, the penis or vagina is the wellspring of suggestive fulfillment for the kid, and he or she fantasizes about getting pelvic joy with the contrary sex parent and forcefully getting rid of a similar sex parent (the Oedipal Crisis).
Answer: A After about 7 years
RESOLUTION STAGE: The stepfamily now has solid and reliable step relationships; Norms are established and a history has begun to build; the step parent is intimate enough to be a confidante, and outside enough to provide support and mentoring in areas too threatening to share with biological parents.
Experts say this whole cycle takes an average of 7 years, with some families in one or more cycles at a time, and sometimes going back instead of forward.
+ Feminism: A Transformational Politic Hooks conclude should be the main concern for future feminist movements and the revitalization of feminist perspectives The central concern, hooks says, should not be to reinforce the paradigm of men as the enemy, but to “begin as women seriously addressing ourselves, not solely ...02-Dec-2019
Actually.. there are more than 1000 languages in each of : Africa, Asia, Americas and the Pacific, and the most are in Asia, Just above a 1000 are in the Americas - that's probably the answer you're looking for, and the others that i mentioned have over 2000.