<span>In cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), compulsions frequently accompany obsessions and appear to serve the function of reducing the anxiety created by such disturbing thoughts.
Compulsions are repetitive physical actions or behavior that are repeatedly performed in order to lessen the stress caused by anxiety from obsessions.</span>
No,not every product produced in the United states is included in U.S gross domestic product.
In the gross domestic product of The U.S, only final goods and services are included. If we talk about intermediate goods. These are those goods which are partly finished and they are used as input in the manufacturing of finished goods and services.
There are some goods and services which are produced only for personal use are excluded from GDP, because GDP includes only those goods which are traded in the market.
The correct answer is rehearsal
Explanation: The way we learn and evaluate has an essential impact on the type of memory in which what has been taught will be stored. Some contents are not stored in long-term memory because students know that they will only be charged for the exam and do not understand that this information will be useful in the future. After the test, the impression is that these contents will never be used again.
the rise of science helped engineer the west to have magnificent architecture and brutal war machinery, and also helped westerners understand more about natural occurences.
Had this on a test, got a 97.