Do you know Jean Béliveau? Well, he walked the world on Foot (Yes foot). It took him 11 years to walk the 24,901 miles world on the equator.
right and wrong
whether something is right or wrong
to Integrity
to do the right thing even when it is hard.
the sources of malice
to develop awareness and lack of commitment to integrity
</span>•Develop your ability to empathize with
•Educate yourself about what is going on
in your community.
•Take care of those near and dear but
don’t be indifferent to others.
Substance abuse affects and costs the individual, the family, and the community in significant, measurable ways including loss of productivity and unemployability; impairment in physical and mental health; reduced quality of life; increased crime; increased violence; abuse and neglect of children; dependence on non-familial support systems for survival; and expenses for treatment. The physical and mental health and social consequences of alcohol and other drug use by women can seriously affect their lives and those of their families (HHS/SAMHSA, 1997a). Not only are women, especially young women, beginning to close the gap between female and male consumption of alcohol and other drugs, they suffer earlier and more serious consequences. Women become intoxicated and addicted more quickly than men and develop related diseases earlier (National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 1996).
The need for affiliation corresponds to the belongingness level of needs in abrahm maslow's hierarchy of needs. Belongingness is the third level of needs in abrahm maslow's hierarchy of needs. The third level represents the social need for affiliation, also known as love and belonging.
It is good for conclusion of an essay
Because we summarise points at conclusion and that's what u have done