The answer is a trans-radiation
One party of Franks, namely, Peter, the Hermit Duke Godfrey, Baldwin, his brother, ... Robert the Norman, Hugh the Great, Everard of Puiset, Achard of Montmerle, ... The wise man, Bohemund, also said that if the Count should do the Emperor any ... We did not dare to go outside; we could find absolutely nothing to eat within
Raymond of Toulouse, Robert of Normandy, Robert of Flanders, ... It makes much more sense to suppose, in so far as one can ... For Bohemond, who was to become Prince of Antioch, his social status was elevated substantially. ... The next day Hugh again went out to talk with Godfrey,
Borderline personality disorder (BDP)
This is a type of disorder that is characterized by intense mental illness which is accompanied by pervasive instability in moods, interpersonal relationships, self-image, and behavior.
Symptoms of BPD
it is characterized by an individual being impulsive, having an intense bouts of mood for short period of time, self-injury, view themselves as bad and unworthy, may avoid being alone etc.
Great website (not in that way) shows accidents and injuries data for the US.
Whether those in power are viewed as having the right to Govern others is called : Legitimacy
Generally, voter participation in the United States : C. Increase with age
The younger blood on the United sates tend to be less interested in political matters since they do not necessarily feel the impact or the burden yet.