1. он прекрасно ездит на (лошади)
2. он купил (матери) подарок
3. в доме много (мышей)
4. он говорил это с (любовью)
5. Кремль находиться на красной (площади)
6. Собака лежит под (кроватью)
7. У него две (дочери)
8. в городе несколько старых (церквей)
9. Учебник с (тетрадью) лежат в ящике письменного стола.
10. По (ночам)он не спит, а работает
1.he rides (horses) beautifully
2.he bought (the mother's) a gift
3. there are a lot of (mice) in the house
4.he said it with (love)
5. The Kremlin is on the red (square)
6. The dog lies under (bed)
7. He has two (daughters)
8.the city has several old (churches)
9. Textbook with (notebook) lie in a drawer of a writing desk.
10. At (at night) he does not sleep, but works
The migration that occurred before World War II saved many Jewish lives.were registered on arrival in Palestine (see Table 3: Immigration of Jews to In 1920, there were only about 28,000 Jews in Moscow and 25,000 in Saint Petersburg. 0.2–0.3 million Jewish refugees from the Nazi-occupied area of Poland went t...
Firstly, the author is going to attend exciting elective courses. Secondly, they're going to join several clubs to meet new friends. Lastly, they will have an unforgettable experience by attending football games, and dances. In conclusion, That's three of the ways he supports the main idea.
Hope this helped!