The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord.
The correct code for the operation is this: S82.402A and S82. 202A.
The ICD- 10- CM is the reference standard in the health care sector; it contains all the information about how patients should be billed for different health care services, which they receive. The operation given in the question falls under the category of fracture and traumatic and the codes given above are the one corresponding to tibia and fibula.<span />
The time period being referred to is the sensitive period. This time period is also referred to as the critical period. The importance of a critical period is such that it must involve certain stimuli from which an organisms learns and acquires traits. If some of these stimuli are not present in the critical period, the organism has difficulty acquiring the trait or skill, and may even find it to be impossible to learn the skill.
Mitochondria are the sites of the reactions of oxidative phosphorylation, which result in the formation of ATP. The size and coding capacity of the mitochondrial DNA varies considerably in different organisms, and encodes rRNAs, tRNAs and essential mitochondrial proteins.
Spontaneous generation was a (refuted) theory that some forms of life can arise from inorganic matter.
Louis Pasteur refuted it in a series of experiments, in which he boiled different matter (grape juice, broth) which would kill all the bacteria and let it stay for a long time to see if it would develop life (he also had a control condition in which he let the boiled liquid interact with the outside words, and those would develop bacterial life).