"Main" goes in the blank. For example in C++ all of your code goes in the main function.
Segment registers
The initial purpose behind the segment registers was to enable a program to access many distinct (big) memory sections designed to be autonomous and part of a constant virtual store.
They don't have a processor-defined objective, but instead Operating system runs them for purpose. The GS register is used in Windows 64-bit to point to constructions defined by the operating scheme. Operating system kernels usually use FS and GS to access thread-specific memory. In windows, thread-specific memory is managed using the GS register. To access cpu-specific memory, the linux kernel utilizes GS.
a. int foo+; (foo+ is an invalid identifier because + is not a valid char in identifiers)
b. foo int; (Syntax error is any error where the syntax is invalid - either due to misplacement of words, bad spelling, missing semicolons etc.)
c. Static semantic error are logical errors. for e.g passing float as index of an array - arr[1.5] should be a SSE.
d. I think exceptions like NullReferenceException might be an example of DME. Not completely sure but in covariant returns that raise an exception at compile time (in some languages) might also come in this category. Also, passing the wrong type of object in another object (like passing a Cat in a Person object at runtime might qualify for DME.) Simplest example would be trying to access an index that is out of bounds of the array.
Run directory services
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an open protocol used to access some information, information that is stored in a network, the information is organized hierarchical structure, we could find some data like names, directories, and telephone numbers.
With other options, we can find DHCP to assign IP addresses and to resolve IP addresses to host names, we have the DNS.