bc the league of nations didn't include America. That's why the Japanese didn't care bc not having America made them look less powerful. idk
The Warring State Period was an era of chaos in ancient history of China. This era is full of warfare. There were bureaucratic and military reforms too. This era is dated as 475 BC to 221 BC. It is also known as era of division. There was a period of peaceful and philosophical Spring and Autumn. then almost all the states were indulged in wars. Then Qin laid the foundation of Qin Dynasty by conquering all the states. Under the Qin Dynasty, China reunited again.
Y2K problem
Y2K problem is short for Year 2000 problem or also called millennium bug, was a computer program problem because the coding in the computer systems till 1990's was such that they save the years in two digits instead of four to save space. For example, the year 1998 was saved as '98'. It created an environment of fear among many government offices and data processing companies that the computers would stop working from mid night of 1 January 2000.
Answer: 9.28
According to the glossary, what are large meteors that enter the Earth’s atmosphere?
Active galaxy
True, Shaka was known for being strong but brutal.