The Indians blamed the priests for bringing sickness to their tribe and became hostile. The Spanish were forced to return to Spain and burned the mission as they left.
The ships dropped them off and never came back with supplies :( They were also dreadfully unprepared for the winter ahead of them.
Since the prehistory and up until the present, the human population has constantly increased. The increase of the population though has not been always the same, with the earlier periods having much slower increase, while the rapid growth occurs only few centuries ago. The reasons for this difference in the population growth is that up until relatively recently, the humans didn't had proper medical treatment, they were constantly in war, the living conditions were very bad, and the humans were still deeply connected with the nature, thus every larger animal possessed a death threat. As the humans have developed, the living conditions have become much better, the medicine has helped in curing and prevention of diseases, and the humans have also isolated themselves from the nature, resulting in much higher life expectancy, better life quality, and much less infant deaths.
Your Question:
Who gave Florida its name?
Our Teams Answer: Ponce de Leon
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Columbus Lead 4 Voyages!