Carroll, Reed and Lazear assisted in cuban Progress as a nation by providing evidence of the cause of the yellow fever.
First of all Carroll, Reed, and Lazear were U.S. army researches that discovered the causes of the yellow fever.
In the second place, the yellow fever was a disease that haunted the participants of the American-Spanish war. Due to it, a U.S. Army commission was formed, integrated by Carroll, Reed, and Lazear. I which Reed was the head. Carter was a researcher with valuable information about the disease and he provided Lazear the paper to consider it as a good starting point for the solution of the problem. Lazear then programmed a visit to Carlos Finlay an expert in the area and decided to prove their theory.
They carried on the experiments and found out they were right and designed a treatment. However, Lazer got bitten contracted the fever and died later. The survivors then created new facilities and named them after Lazear. This helped cuba to treat its people under this sickness and to build bridges of cooperation between different professionals and governments.