A short term goal would be to abstain from sex or masturbation for a health reason: waiting for a UTI, STD or other issue (from a procedure, perhaps) until healing comes.
A long term goal would be waiting for marriage to have sex and then committing to only have sex with that person.
Why? -- Proof, why and how does the alternative and complementary medicine work in terms of current understanding of medicine/anatomy/science
advantages to skepticism, reduction of people getting conned into paying into a false medical treatment
disadvantage to skepticism, the particular alternative treatment may actually work however the exact mechanism is not yet known and may be dismissed as psuedo-science
B ask the client for suggestions to make her more comfortable
I think the correct answer is A
It's not adrenaline since that's the flight or fight chemical your body releases in cases of danger and meth has nothing to do with it.
It's not THC since that's the chemical in marijuana that gives you the dopamine rush, which is unrelated to meth
It's not Hormones, this one just doesn't make sense.