Water has special characteristics because liquid water is denser than ice and ice floats on top of liquid water.
Answer: Option A & D
A water molecule is formed by the covalent bonding between two atoms of Hydrogen atom with one atom of Oxygen. In water, the Hydrogen bonds are the one that keeps the water molecule intact.
When the water molecule freezes the bonding becomes weak as they are separated and set apart which makes the liquid water denser than ice. Normally a substance floats if it is less dense. Ice floats because it is less dense than water.
Independent - Water/Type of water (salt and pure)
Dependent - Height of plant
Controlled - Amount of water
Independent is what the experimenter manipulates (in this case being the type of water.)
Dependent is what the experimenter measures and is a result of the independent (in this case being the height of plant)
Controlled is what you are trying to keep the same (in this case the amount of water you give each plant.)
They act to regulate the expression of specific genes (androgen-responsive)
Testosterone is a reproductive hormone in male humans. Testosterone as well as its closely related hormones e.g dihydrotestosterone, all belong to a class of hormones called "Androgens".
Androgens operate by entering into a cell and binds with specific androgen-receptor proteins (AR proteins). This contact activates the AR proteins, forming an androgen-receptor complex.
This complex then translocates into the nucleus of specific cells to bind to the DNA. Once it binds, it either inhibits or promotes the expression of specific genes (androgen-responsive). Hence, AR proteins are transcription factors because they play a significant role in regulating transcription of specific genes i.e. turning 'on' or 'off' of specific genes.
This process helps to direct the development of male sexual characteristics.
I honestly don't remember much about this and I'm sure someone else will answer more thoroughly for you but I believe it is the "<span>messenger". It carries instructions from DNA to conrol the synthesis of proteins</span>